about the doodles

It’s all about classification….  Taxonomy. Tags. Keywords. Classifications. Whatever you want to call it, here I am attempting to classify all my doodles, sketches and illustrations in a grand effort to give it all some kind of meaning.

My doodles are part sub-conscious, part environmental creations. For instance, if I’m sitting in work waiting for someone to leave the office, I start doodling and will usually adhere to one of my default ‘sets’ of doodling. Like ‘stress’ or ‘is the internet down again?’.

More and more, these doodles became a personal feature of the A3 pad on my desk alongside the work notes. One day, on seeing said doodles, a certain someone convinced me that I should collect them and make a large print poster.

A1 was suggested.

So, the collecting began. However, while doodling, and partly inspired by this poster on my bathroom wall, I had to exercise some control on the randomness of the doodles. A random poster just wouldn’t do. An A1 poster of ‘snakes’ however seems far more like I’m in control of the doodles than I really am (it’ll just take a shedload longer to gather the material!).



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